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Friday, November 7, 2008

Asking for help

It seems as if the majority of people fit into one of two categories when it comes to asking for help:

  1. Stereotypical know-it-all types who would rather make stuff up than admit they don't know an answer and/or research for the CORRECT answer. You know, like the mechanic who sold you a new computer for your car cause he couldn't figure out what was really wrong and was too lazy to pick up a book. The contractors who keep Mike Holmes busy. The politicians who sidestep honest questions and instead pontificate on something off topic instead.
  2. The larger and more diverse group consists of those who do actually ask for help, and then start building road blocks to those trying to help them. If you didn't think I was smart enough to answer your question or solve your problem, why did you bother me? If you don't like the answer you got, and are more than happy to stay stuck in your problem, why did you bother me? If you would rather maintain the current status quo, why did you bother me?
No, I don't mean me personally in this, I mean me as in the people who make a living helping others, I mean me as in those who still believe in helping friends, I mean me as in those of us who honestly care to help each other in general.

If you know someone in category one, tell them to grow up and stop being a moron. If anyone should not know an answer, there is no shame, no harm, no problem with saying those three magic words, "I DON'T KNOW." That's how we as a species has bettered ourselves over the years - finding answers to things they didn't know. Please, someone, anyone, show me proof of one significant instance where the human race was bettered by making up a lie about the answer to a question or problem.

If you know someone in category two, tell them to grow up and stop being a moron. Yes I repeated myself. If they don't want help, don't like being told what to do, how to do it, when to do it, or prefer things as they are, they shouldn't bother people who could be spending their time productively helping those who need and want that help.

If you don't belong in either category, pat yourself on the back. If you know someone who doesn't fall in either category, pat them on the back too.

If you know someone who actually is so FUBAR that they belong in both categories, see if you can help them earn a Darwin Award.

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